330 Second St NE [PO Box 101] Long Beach, WA, 98631 USA | 360-642-1180 spchs330@gmail.com


Why not design pet-sized ‘adopt me’ bandanas and donate them to our shelter?



  • Colored markers (fabric markers work the best, but don’t use washable markers)
  • Solid-color bandanas. The size will vary based on dog or cat. The bandana should be folded once in a triangle and must be able to tie completely around the dog’s or cat’s neck. You can purchase various sizes online, or click for patterns to make your own.


  1. Place the folded bandana on the table. Decorate only on the side that faces up.
  2. Design your bandana to get the pet noticed — so they are more likely to get adopted.
  3. Add some words to your design. Here are some ideas, or you can make up your own:  Adopt Me! • Shelter Dogs are Cool! • Shelter Cats are Cool! • I’ll Be Your Best Friend! • Help Me Find A Home!!
  4. When finished decorating your bandana, be sure to let it dry completely so the design doesn’t smear.
Camp Fire Kids

George Camp Fire students show off their bandanas for the animal shelter.

6th grade Camp Fire students at George Middle School made “adopt me” bandanas to donate to an animal shelter. The kids took great pride in each of their bandanas. “I feel responsible for making sure my dog gets adopted!” said one Camp Fire youth.