We have many volunteer opportunities, in and out of the Shelter facility. Our Team is made up of about forty volunteers who labor in and/or out of the Shelter for the benefit of our pets.
SOME of our volunteer opportunities:
IN the Shelter
- Dog Walker. Exercises shelter dogs in our enclosed areas and/or on leash walks. Our facility is less than half a mile from the beach; enjoy a beach walk with a dog and help them become more adoptable!
- Cat Cuddler. We are in constant need of volunteers to help socialize our shelter felines. Sit with the cats and kittens in our play rooms and engage them in exercise and/or human contact!
- Laundry Maven. Laundry is a big deal at the shelter. We do around eight loads of laundry every day. Our Shelter Manager and staff are very thankful for our laundry volunteers.
- Set-Up Kennels. Help our dog and cat care staff set-up the kennels after they have been cleaned.
- Clean Dog/Cat Dishes. Help our dog and cat care staff with washing all of the food and water bowls.
- Front Desk. During shelter open hours, answer phones, greet customers, take donations, and serve as the Jack Russell of All Trades with light computer and paperwork tasks. Ours is a fun, fast-paced, environment!
- Adoption Counselor. Meet people as they enter the Shelter and walk them through the facility to meet the pets while explaining our adoption procedures. Assist them with the application process and serve as their primary contact before, during and after adoption. This position interfaces with shelter staff on behalf of the customer to provide the best possible customer experience.
- Facilities. It seems something is always in need of the services of a handyman, plumber, electrician, contractor, cyclone fencing pro – you name it. Help!
- Gardening. Do you have a green thumb? We could use a few more hands to work on landscaping tasks and flower pots.
OUT of the Shelter
- Grant Writer. We submit and receive many grants to support our low-cost spay/neuter program, community/feral cat spay/neuter program, facilities updates and more.
- Fundraising & Events Committee. Be part of the think tank! This group meets roughly monthly and plans our key fundraisers and events.
- Marketing. This could mean helping with our website or social media, creating flyers, brochures, signage or mailings. It includes our weekly Pet Report in the Chinook Observer and a gazillion small projects that get the word out.
- Data. We can use computer savvy volunteers to keep track of animal intake/outcome, donors, website updates and more. All can be done from the comfort of your home.
- Foster. We have several cat and dog fostering options available to animal lovers in our community. The type of fostering depends on the time of year and other circumstances.
- Community/Feral Cats. Controlling cat overpopulation is a priority for SPCHS. Assist residents of the community with community/feral cat issues.
- Advisory Council. Members are part of the Board and are responsible for specific areas of responsibility such as chairing a fundraiser, leading a team such as our dog walkers or other area of need. Advisory Council members are not required to attend Board meetings except to annually vote in Board elections.
- Board of Directors. Our board is very much a working board, with a focus on setting direction to improve SPCHS through vision and policy while fundraising, fundraising, fundraising. We believe in term limits and are always looking for new energy.
It is easy to become a volunteer.
Read through our
Complete and submit the
Once we have received your form, one of our experienced volunteers will contact you to schedule your orientation & training.