If you’re resolved to help our furry friends, we’ve got an easy way to do it: Be a 12!
Join our compassionate group of monthly givers and commit to a gift of at least $12 on the 12th of every month. That’s 12 times a year, making you the backbone that sustains our work.
Our 12s aren’t just kind. They’re also practical. They know that giving monthly allows us to spend less time fundraising and more time rescuing animals –which is what it’s really all about.
Just $12 a month adds up quickly to help our cats and dogs. By the end of the year you may have paid for as many as 1 dog or 2 cat spay/neuter surgeries, 9 rabies vaccinations, 21 microchips, and 57 cat vaccinations, or bought flea treatment for a mom and litter of pups that arrived with an infestation and also the piddle pads and other supplies their foster family needs to get those pups adoption-ready. You may have paid for the parts needed to update the outdoor kennel fencing, or for half a year of internet access –a crucial part of our arsenal.
Give $12 on the 12th and you’ll never forget to record it in your bank register. We can make it easier yet when your gift is made with an automatic banking transaction.
Did you know…?
- $4/month buys a ream of copy paper for medical records
- $9/month feeds a litter of kittens for one day
- $14/month supplies one box of needles to vaccinate the animals
- $19/month supplies one box of flea treatment for dogs
- $24/month ensures two dogs leaving the shelter do so with a microchip
- $28/month provides a night of safe, warm shelter to a homeless animal in need
Please help our homeless pets by becoming a 12 and committing to a monthly donation today.